We use truck mounted hot water extraction as our cleaning method. This process is recommended as the best way to get carpets cleaned by the IICRC and Carpet Manufacturers.

Always test for color stability.
NEVER use any product from an aerosol can. It leaves a sticky, soapy residue that may never come out and your spots will continue to reappear.
90% of all spots will clean up with just water. This fact comes from the carpet manufacturers. You don’t need expensive spotters, dry cleaning powders or spotting kits.
You will find the following techniques helpful.
- Blot with a towel and/or scrape with a dull butter knife. Agitation with a blunt scraper will break a lot of spots loose.
- Scrub with a wet terry cloth rag.
- If the water doesn’t work, next try what you use on greasy fingerprints. (409 or Fantastic – NOT dish or laundry detergent) Spritz a small amount and scrub with a wet rag or scrape with knife. Blot dry.
- If the preceding steps don’t work on normal food spills, STOP! A professional cleaning may get it out.
- Tar, Automotive Grease – Use paint thinner on a rag and blot.
- Gum, Candy, Play Dough, Cigarette Burns – Use a razor blade or scissors. Pull upward and carefully shave out, cutting as little of the carpet as possible.
- Urine – Blot dry. Pour tonic water on the spot. The carbonation helps lift the urine up from the base of the fibers. Blot, repeat as needed. Pet owners: keep a six pack of tonic water on hand.
- Vomit, Feces – Blot, pick, scrape. Do not scrub at first. Try tonic water. Blot, scrape, and repeat. If you have a wet-vac, pour warm water and extract quickly.
- Red Stains, Juice – Stains with color often do not come out. Some will come out gradually with repeated attempts spread over several days. Scrub with a wet rag. Look for improvement. If yes, try again the next day.
- Deodorizing – ODOBAN from Sam’s Club works on a wide variety of odors. As an all purpose spray, use it around sinks, toilets, and garbage cans. For pet problems, spray on and work it in with fingers or a brush. Let dry. Do not rinse once applied. DO NOT use full strength. Follow dilution instructions on container.